prelude contains transitional pieces... finding my way between old and new bodies of work.
a. The Olympians
2014, 12"x12"
Acrylic Paint
b. Fire and Ice
2014, 12"x12"
Acrylic Paint, Paper, Clay-Coffee Mono-Print
c. Face
2015, ~20"x16"
Acrylic Paint
d. Memory
2017, ~12"x12"x1"
Table Cloth, Acrylic Rods, Scarf Mesh, Colored Pencil, Seed Beads
e. Bathing Suit
2015, ~ Ladies Medium
Cloth, Paint, Paper, Yarn, Thread
f. Pillar of Light & Pillar of Fire
2016, each block 3"x6"x.5"
Pine Blocks, Acrylic Rods, Grocery Mesh, Chiffon, Paint, Fishing Thread