Spring & Summer 16-17,
"Missouri Line"
a. "Or I Guess it is the Handkerchief of the Lord"
2017, #Handkerchief: 12"x12"
Found Handkerchief, Embroidery, Clay-Coffee Mono-Print, Digital Transfer
& Handkerchief with Face
2017, #Handkerchief: 10"x10"
Found Handkerchief & Clay-Coffee Mono-Print
b. Press Pause
2017, #Top, ~Ladies Medium
Mesh Cloth, Lace, Chiffon, Pressed Wildflowers
c. Flower Skirt
2017, #Skirt, ~Ladies Medium
Flour Sack, Lace Appliqué, Rainbow Thread
d. Missouri Summer, for lady and gentleman
2017, #Handkerchief, 13"x13" & 10"x10"
Curtain, Ink, Paint, Digital Transfer, Thread, Balsa Wood Stand
e. Handkerchief with Yellow Flowers
2017, #Handkerchief, Stand: 16"x12"x12" & Textile 10"x10"
Price Tags, Henna, Pig Feed Bags, Twine, Ink, Yellow Flowers, Pearl Pin, Balsa Wood Stand
f. Virginia Flower Tote
2017, #Tote, ~12"x20"
Curtain, Chiffon, Flour Bag, Rainbow Thread, Cloth, Wood
g. Little Breast
2016, ~3"x4"
Ceramic, Ink
h. Gatorade Shirt
2017, #Top, Ladies Medium
Curtain, Ink, Cloth, Thread
i. Woven American Spirits Bracelet
2017, #Bracelet, ~ 4"X7"X.25"
American Spirit Cigarettes & Yarn
j. "Purse Discusses" (after James Castle)
2016, #Clutch, ~ 6"x14"
Paper, Cord, Paint, Yarn, Button
k. There's Wildflowers Inside My Breasts
There's Light Inside My Body
2017, #Top, Ladies Medium
Curtain, Lace, Chiffon, Thread, Wild Flowers
l. Leaf Hole Constellations
2017, #Necklace
Leaf, Yarn, Balsa, Ink
m. Virginia Summer, for lady and gentleman
2017, #Handkerchief, 13"x13" & 10"x10"
Cloth, Chiffon, Lace, Thread, Clay-Coffee Mono-Print, Yellow Flowers